SPECIAL MEETING – April 28, 2017
The Special meeting was called to order by Supervisor Rusk at 8:00 a.m. for the purpose of the Annual Road Tour. Present were Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Jim Dier and Reid Miller.
Road repairs to be addressed as follows:
River Road – north end at B needs cold patch. Hoping the county will help with repairs.
Twin Bay Road – spot holding water. Trees need to be brushed back but will let that go for now.
Connor Lane – sink hole needs cold patch.
Ditching and filling needs to be done in low lying areas on various roads.
Crack sealing: Hay Creek Road peninsula including Dun Rovin Road, Hay Creek Road and Beaver Creek Road. Approximately 200 cracks total.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m. on a motion from Laura Rusk; 2nd Kay Ryan; motion carried.
Submitted by Supervisor Kay Ryan