ANNUAL MEETING – April 13, 2011
The Annual meeting was called to order by Chairman Eckerly at 6:30 p.m. The Minutes of the April 14, 2010 Annual Meeting were read by the Clerk and approved on a motion from Norrey Wilkosek; 2nd Carole Humann; all in favor; motion carried. The 2010 Annual Report of budget vs actual expenses and revenues was presented by the Clerk and approved on a motion from Jackie Eckerly; 2nd Sue Metcalf; all in favor; motion carried. The next Annual Meeting was set for April 11, 2012 on a motion from Sue Metcalf; 2nd Norrey Wilkosek; all in favor; motion carried. The meeting was adjourned bat 6:48 on a motion from Jackie Eckerly; 2nd Larry Metcalf; all in favor; motion carried. Patricia R Swaffield, Clerk
The following minutes will be approved at the next monthly Board Meeting
Chairman Len Eckerly called the monthly Board of Supervisors meeting to order at 6:52 p.m.; all member present.
The Clerk read the minutes of the March 9, 2011 Board meeting and were approved on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Laura Rusk; all in favor; motion carried.
The TREASURER'S REPORT was read by the Treasurer as follows:
$21,974.33 – 02/28/11 Bank Statment Balance
$ 428.84 – Less 3 Outstanding Checks
$21,575.49 – 03/01/11 Beginning Check Book Balance
March Bank Statement Activity
$ 652.80 – Deposits
$ 4.38 – Interest Earned
$20,563.23 – Less Checks Cleared
$ 2,068.28 – 03/31/11 Bank Statement Balance
$ 987.02 – Less 2 Outstanding Checks
$ 1,081.26 – 03/31/11 Ending Check Book Balance
$148,974.50 – 02/28/11 Money Market Account Balance
$ 88.56 – Interest Earned
$149,063.06 – 03/31/11 Bank Statement Balance
$150,144.32 – Total all Accounts
Fund Accounts
$ 77,187.27 – General Fund
$ 14,100.00 – Machinery Fund
$71,875.79 – Taxes, Dogs & Overpaids
The Treasurer's Report was approved by Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Laura Rusk; all in favor; motion carried.
ROAD REPORT – road weight restrictions went into effect on March 15; laid gravel on frost heaves on Woodland Drive and Tiger Musky Road; new starter ordered for International and back up alarm needs to be repaired; Hemlock Haven Road culverts are being checked daily for beaver activity; plows have been taken off all trucks except the International in case of another snowfall.
The ROAD TOUR DATE was set for April 28, 2011 at 7:00 a.m.
Len received a QUOTE FOR THE TRUCK RADIOS from DSC Communications in the amount of $4,498.25.
The Town received a letter from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau stating that with the Governor's budget bill our SHARED REVENUES would be cut by $1,761 in 2012.
APPROVAL OF CHECKS #14325 through #14356 was given for a total expenditureof $14,612.79. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. on a motion from Lee Wilmsen; 2nd Laura Rusk; all in favor; motion carried.
Patricia Swaffield, Clerk