The Annual Meeting was called to order by Chair Laura Rusk at 5:00 p.m. Board members present were Laura Rusk, Kay Ryan, Jim Dier, Patty Swaffield and Cindy Gutsch.
MOTION: Moved by Doug Kurtzweil; 2nd Cindy Neurohr to approve the April 21, 2021 Annual Town Meeting minutes; motion carried on a 14 to 0 vote.
The 2021 Annual Report of budget vs actual revenue and expense was presented by the Clerk.
MOTION: Moved by Cindy Neurohr and 2nd by Doug Kurtzweil to approve the 2021 Annual Report; motion carried on a vote of 14 to 0 vote.
Pat Leitz, President of the Musky & Sno Club, spoke regarding snowmobile traffic and the recent accident on Dun Rovin Road. She stated the Club has done as much as possible to help the situation on that road by putting up more speed limit signs. She was falsely informed that a resident on that road said he brought the snowmobile problem to Musky & Sno at some point and was laughed out of the room. They try to resolve any issues presented to them. Pat asked the Board if there is anything they want the
Club to do to help the situation because they do not want to lose the trail there.
Laura said that at our last Town Board meeting they came up with an idea to have a meeting with representatives from law enforcement, the alliance, the Town of Hunter etc. as group with a spokesperson presenting ideas.
MOTION: Moved by Tim Davison; 2nd Cindy Neurohr to approve the next Annual Town Meeting on April 19, 2023; motion carried by a 14 to 0 vote.
Meeting ended at 5:37 p.m.
Patricia R. Swaffield, Clerk